Environmental Policy Statement
AJW recognises the importance of promoting the integrity and sustainability of its operations, in the interest of inhabitants surrounding the area of operations, to preserve the past, sustain and enhance the present and protect the future.
The Environmental Protection Act 1990 and all other domestic and European legislation concerned with the protection of natural resources and the external environment will be adhered to.
AJW recognises both the generic and local requirements of the Local Agenda 21 (LA21), has developed a policy statement specifically, and recognises its integration into policy statements.
Environmental Aims
Protection of the environment – to improve environmental performance of our operations having taken into account the project and client’s requirements.
At all times adopting the principals of best practice and adopting specific procedures that minimise environmental damage.
Environmental legislation – ensure that any operation carried out by the company complies or exceed the statutory environmental requirements.
Environmental risk reduction – minimise the risk of environmental damage by employing safe working procedures and technologies.Risk Assessments will be carried out in order to take into account all environmental issues connected with our work.
Environmental improvements – where possible undertake measures to reduce environmental impact whilst maintaining economic and operational efficiency.
Environmental awareness – provide training to employees of the company and other contractors and highlight policies and procedures that promote and protect the environment.
To achieve the aims, AJW will:
Introduce, monitor and review policies and procedures to achieve the requirements of The Environmental Protection Act 1990.
To ensure compliance with The Environmental Protection Act 1990, develop and formulate systems of work and policies to prevent and minimise the impact of environmental emergencies.
Consult with staff to encourage their active involvement wherever possible and provide advice, communication and training as and when required.
Assess the environmental impact of proposed changes to activities and procedures in advance.
Utilise available technology to help minimise and reduce the environmental impact to the operations of the company.
AJW will adopt the following procedures:
To ensure the effective and efficient use of energy resources, conserving and reducing where possible natural resources.
To (where possible) utilise petrol powered vehicles and equipment that uses lead free petrol.
To ensure that all plant, vehicles and machinery are regularly serviced to ensure efficient running and low emissions.
To ensure effective and efficient use of manufactured materials utilising where possible materials which can be manufactured and disposed of in an environmentally sustainable way.
Where possible purchase materials contained in recyclable/biodegradable packaging.
Encourage the use of environmentally friendly products, including the use of peat free or recycled compost and wood from sustainable managed forests.
To ensure the minimisation of and the safe disposal of waste through the composting and recycling of biodegradable waste and reducing the amount of waste generated.
Ensure that toner and ink jet bottles are recycled and use paper, which maximises recycling and minimises environmental damage through the whole life cycle.
Ensuring only registered waste carriers are engaged to dispose of controlled waste.
Ensure compliance with The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, The Environmental Protection Act 1990, and The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) and Local Agenda 21.
Environmental Management Systems
AJW has reviewed the possibilities of a formalised Environmental Management Audit System (EMAS) to monitor, audit and manage waste management within a recognised framework. However, we currently believe that with the structure of the workforce and the level of waste being generated that the obligations can be met from personal knowledge and management identification. The management and Directors of AJW will continue to review the situation and a formalised system will be put in place if deemed necessary.