Lawn installation

The 'AJW' experience is designed to release you from the constant drudgery that comes with maintaining a lawn. We make sure that your artificial lawn provides years of trouble free pleasure, by ensuring that the product is beautifully installed, often within a day for a typical small lawn area.

To achieve this we will carefully plan the installation, a detailed survey is carried out and all aspects of access, delivery times and space restrictions are noted. Prior to the installation we will contact you with a timetable so that you know when the materials and our team will be arriving.

Step 1

The existing grass is removed with a mechanical turf cutter. All waste is taken away and weedkiller is applied around the perimeter of the area.


Step 2

If an edging is required it is applied at this point. (i.e. a tanilsed frame or alternative edging) The area has a sharp sand base which is levelled and then compacted– we may also initially lay a type 1 hardcore base. A Geotex membrane is then laid to prevent the growth of any weeds.

Step 3

The grass is then laid out and put into position.


Step 4

The grass is carefully aligned and the seams are jointed using a special formula glue. The edge of the grass is then trimmed and fixed.

Step 5

The final part of the process may involve kiln dried sand being brushed in between the grass blades ensuring they remain upright and at the same time facilitating drainage.